BOOKS by Joel Marks
Bioethics Center Scholar
click on a book cover for more information (and see footnotes below)
Ethical Health:
Managing Our Moral Impulses.
The Spread and other essays on moralism and guilt.
Moments: Big Thoughts in Little Essays.
Reason and Ethics: The Case Against Objective Value.
Traitors to Their Kind. (scifi novel) Hard Atheism and the Ethics of Desire: An Alternative to Morality. Maya.* Ethics without Morals.** It's Just a Feeling: The Philosophy of Desirism.** Bad Faith: A Philosophical Memoir.** Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2009. Reasoning. Gerard Hoffnung: A Festschrift (Contributor The Ways of Desire: New Essays in The World as I Feel It: What It Is Like to be Me. * Add the following note on page 5 after 'Alas, this “entire range” includes contradictories; hence these perspectives cannot be used to form a coherent whole': 'Nevertheless, as Gibson (see Note 5 above) also argued, our necessarily perspectival situation does not preclude significant progress in correctly and wholly perceiving reality. Again, for Gibson, seeing perspectives, at least in the sensory realm, is actually an achievement and not at all what we naturally see. A paradigmatic example for him was looking at a person and seeing, not, say, a flat front, but an entire 3D body, backside included. There is “information in the light” for that, not for a cardboard cutout. Furthermore, we are active observers; and so even if we might mistake a real-live human being for a cardboard cutout were our head held stock still and under dim illumination, our typical looking is while moving around, so that a range of perspectives and conditions of observing becomes instantly available to us and is naturally integrated without liability to illusion or even the need to intellectually infer from 2D to 3D.' *** corrigenda **** corrigenda: Replace the second and third instances of "Alois" on page 43 with "Johann." |